漢和防務評論 Kanwa Asian Defence

4.5 ( 1065 ratings )
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المطور: Vanki Digital Publishing & Distribution Co. Ltd

漢和防務評論書店是 “香港雜誌”專為漢和讀者而設的中英文雜誌書架。漢和防務評論由著名亞洲軍事分析專家平可夫編寫,內容涵蓋亞洲區內各國最新軍事形勢,包括最新武器、部署及策略等,從多角度分析區內各國的軍事實力及預測未來的局勢。

Kanwa Asian Defence Book Store, contributed by “Hong Kong E-magazine” group, is designed for the readers who are interested in the military news and information in Asia. The magazine provides the readers with the most up to date information includes the latest weapons, technologies and military forces analysis.